The Debate.
In the debate, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were debating several subjects and it was enlighting in a few ways. Donald Trump repeated the same talking points over and over and it didn't seem like he listened to the question in general. Hillary Clinton is answering and listening to questions and she had in-depth answers that she confidently explained. What most expected from the debate was a lot of scandal accusations, but the moderator did a good job trying to keep them both on a topic.

Donald Trump had so many scandals that it was hard to look at him without seeing a conman ready to take his next victim. In this debate, it's important to look for what Americans see in this man instead of looking if he can be taken seriously or not. When Mr. Trump talked about any subject, he repeated his top quotes that got his supporters screaming his name at other conventions he held. Mr. Trump interrupted the moderator before finishing his questions at times and answered incorrectly but still got some of his top quotes out. Mr. Trump and his voters don't care about the questions, but what they do care about is buzz words. Words like deleted emails, tremendous, and millions are words that keep their interest in the debate. Mr. Tump supporters have over-glorified Mr. Trump where he can't make a mistake and if he does it's always better than what Hillary Clinton does.

Hillary Clinton also had many scandals too, but her problem isn't that she doesn't know what she is talking about. The issue with Mrs.Clinton is listening to her thought out plan and believing she actually means what she's spewing. Mrs. Clinton did well in the debate and she deserves credit for her in-depth plans. She isn't perfect by any means, but it feels like someone like her wouldn't destroy the country. The emails are a damaging topic and she is claiming it's a mistake and she won't make the same mistake again. One of Mrs. Clinton problems is being believable and knowing she had to go out of her way to building a server and delete thousands of emails; It's impossible to believe that it's a simple mistake.
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